Category Archives: News

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali News Release

Embracing Eid al-Adha Artha Graha Peduli and Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali Sharing Blessings and Fostering Unity with Community

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha, known as the Festival of Sacrifice, held significant cultural and spiritual importance in Islam. This year, Artha Graha Peduli and Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali joined hands to commemorate Eid al-Adha with a series of meaningful activities from Sunday, 16th to Monday, 17th June 2024 at Nurhasanah Mosque, Almuhajirin Mosque, and Minhajul Athfall […]

Balinese Mecaru Ceremony at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Embracing Purification and Environmental Harmony

Balinese Mecaru Ceremony

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali held the Mecaru event at Pura Juwet. This sacred ritual is a profound tradition aimed at harmonizing the relationship between humans and their environment, ensuring the continuation of life and balance within the elements of Panca Maha Bhuta in Bhuwana Agung (universe) and Bhuwana Alit (living beings). The last Mecaru […]

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Celebrates World Environment Day with Herbal Plantation Activity

World Environment Day

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel is proud to announce its special event in celebration of World Environment Day on 5th of June 2024, focusing on herbal plantation. This international day, recognized as the biggest event for environmental awareness, marked by engaging guests in sustainable practices and promoting the growth of beneficial plants. The plantation event held […]

JUNEscape Nights Grill & Chill OFYR Barbecue at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali

JUNEscape Nights Grill & Chill

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali excited to present the JUNEscape Nights Grill & Chill OFYR Barbecue, an oceanfront event that elevated Thursday nights and attracting guests with a unique blend of all-you-can-eat barbecue experience and diverse entertainment offerings. Starting at 6 PM and running until 9:30 PM, guests are invited to enjoy an unforgettable evening […]

Tekankan ‘Water-Energy Nexus’ di Momentum WWF 2024 di Bali

WWF 2024 di Bali

Bali – Indonesia berkesempatan menjadi tuan rumah gelaran World Water Forum (WWF) ke-10 di Bali sejak 18 hingga 25 Mei 2024 mendatang. Momentum ini menjadi ajang untuk bisa mengusulkan, mendorong dan merumuskan sebuah gagasan tentang gerakan masal (dunia) untuk fokus mengatasi krisis Air di Indonesia maupun dunia. Dalam kesempatan ini, Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM), Artha […]

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali Wins Tripadvisor Travelers Choice Award 2024

Tripadvisor Travelers Choice 2024

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali is pleased to announce today that it has been recognized in Tripadvisor ’s Travelers Choice Awards for 2024. The award honors businesses that consistently earn great reviews, placing them among the top 10% of listings around the world on Tripadvisor. As the world’s largest travel guidance platform, Tripadvisor has unparalleled […]

Glowing Unity: A Night Reflection for Earth Hour

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is more than an hour without lights, it’s a commitment of people who are working together to take collective action to prevent climate and as a symbolic gesture of unity and action towards a sustainable future. Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali, in collaboration with Artha Graha Peduli (AGP), proudly participates in this iconic […]

Reflections on the Heartwarming Ramadan Iftar

Ramadan Iftar

Another highly anticipated moment during Ramadan is the breaking of fast. Recently, Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali managed by Discovery Hotels and Resorts held the Ramadan Iftar event at The Pond Restaurant and it was a resounding success. Attended by the hotel’s management, sister companies, esteemed media partners and the children from the orphanage Yayasan […]

Ramadan Mubarak a Month of Blessings and Reflection

Ramadan Mubarak 2024_min

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali, managed by Discovery Hotels & Resorts, is delighted to welcome a month filled with blessings and divine guidance. We are thrilled to present exclusive offers meticulously crafted to elevate your experience in culinary delights, comfortable getaway stays, and exceptional business meeting deals. As […]

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