Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali held the Mecaru event at Pura Juwet. This sacred ritual is a profound tradition aimed at harmonizing the relationship between humans and their environment, ensuring the continuation of life and balance within the elements of Panca Maha Bhuta in Bhuwana Agung (universe) and Bhuwana Alit (living beings). The last Mecaru procession hosted by Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali took place seven years ago, making this event a significant and much anticipated occasion for the community and the hotel.
Every time the sacred Mecaru ceremony is held, the Balinese community prepares caru, or offerings, symbolizing the purification of Bhuta Kala and the cleansing of all impurities. These offerings represent a profound hope that evil will be banished, and harmony will prevail in the future.
“This Mecaru ceremony serves as a reminder for humans to protect and care for nature and the environment, and for Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali, hosting the Mecaru ceremony aligns with our dedication to preserving and respecting local cultural traditions,” said Luis Daniel Garcia, General Manager of Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Bali. We reinforce our commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. It also offers our guests a unique cultural experience, enriching their stay with authentic Balinese traditions.
Deeply rooted in Balinese beliefs, the Mecaru ceremony underscores a truth: if humans destroy nature and the environment, they ultimately face nature’s retribution. This ceremony is a call to action, urging all to maintain the balance between humanity and the natural world.
Media contact:
Tendy N Feranti
Assistant Marcom Manager